Bigger and Better

I was so relieved last January when I had finally completed my last surgery and knew I was well on my way to living a healthy life. It took several months for my new boobies to heal and for me to get a good idea of how they would look. Once they were completely healed I noticed that they seemed a little flat and wide. I thought perhaps it was just my perception of them so I of course enlisted the opinion of my husband and several girl friends. The census was out and they were indeed flat...and wide. Now, after having gone through losing my breasts at a mere 28 years old, flat and wide was not exactly what I had pictured for myself when this was all said and done. Although I new that my boobs would never look as good as the woman who gets implants and already has boobs, I expected that something could be done to improve my look.

After visiting with my plastic surgeon (whom I adore) he explained to me that the implants I currently had were called Moderate Plus Profile. Apparently these implants are used in most cases. However, since I did not have any breast tissue to support these implants, the silicone inside just seemed to kind of spread out creating a flat and wide breast. I can't imagine the image you have in your head right now! My plastic surgeon explained to me that in some cases a high profile implant can be used. This type of implant sticks out further and sits up higher on the chest. I loved the sound of that and he was convinced I would be a great candidate for this type of implant. I was now scheduled for more surgery in less than a week! So, in April of 2009 I had my first set of implants removed and expanders put back in. These expanders stretched my skin forward, rather than out to the side. They were actually expanders that are used specifically for women who choose the high profile implants. After a few months of stretching skin, I had my high-profile implants installed. I LOVE THEM!!! Not only are they better...they are bigger! Now, don't worry, they aren't Heidi Montag big. They are just perfect...but certainly bigger than what I had before this journey began.

If you are facing breast reconstruction in the future, know that there are different types of implants! The thought of getting a boob job prior to breast cancer had never even crossed my mind...ok...maybe it had crossed my mind but it wasn't an option. I was uneducated so therefore I didn't ask many questions when discussing my implant options. Make sure you know what you are getting before it's to late. For me, the worst part about it was knowing that I was racking up another $5000 in medical bills. However, I new I wouldn't be happy until my flat and wide boobies were bigger and better!

The image below shows the three different types of memory gel implants. The second implant is the one I had the first time. The third implant is the one I currently have. Can You See The Difference?

For more information on implants, click HERE!!

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